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Beauty In The "Ugly"

Lolo Jane

A follower asked me to write a blog about “everything you see God in that’s normally overlooked.. like laughter amongst tears, a stranger's smile, wildflowers, etc.”

So I could go on about all of the beauty in the things that clearly have some kind of beauty. Laughter amongst tears has an obvious beauty of laughter, a stranger's smile has an obvious beauty of a smile.

But imagine the power you would hold to be able to find beauty in EVERYTHING?

Have you ever had that moment while watching the sunset where you just sit there and imagine God dipping his paintbrush in the most beautiful of colors and wiping it across the sky? Okay, now don’t come at me but I just don’t like sunsets and sunrises. I KNOW what Christian doesn’t like that?! Something all of my friends know about me is that I genuinely find “ugly” things beautiful. Yes, I actually had a teacher one year say to me in front of the entire class, “Lolo, you would say that poop is beautiful”. Yeah, so embarrassing.

Anyways, my point is, I love dark skies. I love dark clouds, thunder, and especially rain. So, there was a time where I would look at the bright sky on a sunny day and just be upset.

“Why can’t it be raining? I want a dark sky.”

Then one day in high school, I woke up and I decided that I wanted to be positive about EVERYTHING. I wanted to reach Joy - being glad through every circumstance.

So, I began by looking at the bright sky on my way to school and thinking of all of the happiness that it brings. This is the list I made:

- It brings someone who loves sunrises, a smile.

- It could be a sign someone prayed for.

Only two, but very significant. When you can’t be happy for yourself, be happy for someone else. What do I mean by this?

Every time someone tells me they wish it wasn’t raining, I ALWAYS respond with “maybe a grandma didn’t want to get up and water her flowers today so God did it for her.”

You may not like the rain but the rain may be watering someone’s flowers for them. So like the rain for them.

Nehemiah 8:10 “… For the Joy of the Lord is your strength!”

As I said, imagine the POWER, the strength, you would hold if you found beauty and joy in everything. You are human, you may be sad despite the beauty. That’s fine, that is normal. But at least you can say that you are now able to recognize the beauty in the "ugly at first glance". The strength you would hold by having Joy, positivity. Imagine the situations you would overcome. Some bad days that you may have used its nights to be crying, you now only can see the hopefulness in. You have more strength by having Joy. You are not so easily shaken, hurt, offended, DISCOURAGED.

There is beauty in the “ugly” and there is Joy in finding that out and there is strength in Joy.

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