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Motivational vs Biblical Sermons

Lolo jane

This is actually just a retweet of a caption on my instagram. This post meant a lot to me, it is something i preach in my personal life a lot.

The words i speak of are from a book called “meditations on preaching” and they say:

“There are too many time-servers in our pulpits who, for fear of losing favor with the people, are too ready to tolerate or pass over in silence things they know to be wrong.”

These words spoke volumes to me —

if you know me, you know how strong i am about theology and basing your teachings AROUND it- rather than having a message and supporting it with random scripture. How difficult it is to provide context this way- and context that you leave the church remembering, if that! Is scripture alone not enough for the Holy Spirit to work? Do you really need your own words to make an impact on people? How insulting to God!

I don’t do those motivational sermons. I want to learn about the bible. THAT will build me a stable foundation for my future.

If i can look back at what advice God or His disciples gave in the bible to whoever was going through what i am now, then i can see how God may be working through my similar situation in a similar way. But when i’m just craving motivational words from man, i am not learning anything other than temporary words which don’t give me WISDOM.

That’s why i want to be taught the bible — so i have knowledge of Gods words, not mans words. / I want to refer to Gods words not mans words. Let me ask you a question- when you leave your church, do you remember your pastors advice, or do you remember the biblical message?

Reading these words the other night really put that even heavier on my heart. I will not be silent about what i know is right. and what is right, is the bible. “Lean not on your own understanding” proverbs 3:5 — stop listening to people who are speaking out of human understanding rather than Godly knowledge. We don’t understand everything we read in the bible. Sometimes we are just like, WHAT? But how could we? God didn’t call us to understand everything, he called us to trust HIS judgement.

Trust that leading people through Gods words rather than your own, is enough to guide them and touch them.

Even if to us, it sounds crazy that we should abstain or that we should not “enjoy life” by partying, we listen because we trust that God has a reason to why He gives us the rules that He does. Stand up for this. Stand up for what you know is right. Stop being so silent because you are scared that people aren’t going to like you. That’s not the point of why we are here. As long as you are speaking truth, you are doing the right thing.

People who hate are often just convicted by what you said. READ THAT AGAIN.

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